Aminet 24
Aminet 24 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Apr 1998].iso
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Text File
183 lines
Short: Entity-Codes, Alternatives, Color-Codes
Author: honma@uni-duesseldorf.de (Tamio Patrick Honma)
Uploader: honma@uni-duesseldorf.de (Tamio Patrick Honma)
Version: 1.9
Type: util/conv
Replaces: util/conv/Raw2Ent*
Hello again!
This release is the first after one whole year! I didn't recognize that the
time passed that fast! Well - here is the new version ...
This program is usefull for HTML-Developers and can also be used for
Internet-, Compuserve-, FIDO-, ZCONNECT-Newsgroups and eMails. It supports
the ability to convert 8Bit-characters into 7Bit-characters and reverse with
the help of character-entity-codes or -names or alternative characters.
Additionaly it can convert HTML 3.2- and Netscape-color-names into
color-codes and reverse.
This program is written in 100% assembly language for the Motorola MC68000.
It runs on every AmigaOS 2.0 and higher.
A GUI is not implemented at this moment, but an ARrexx-Script adds this
program into Cygnus ED's Interface.
Files: Raw2Ent 1.9 (18.01.98)
Raw2Ent.ced 1.01 (26.12.96)
Raw2Ent.doc english documentation
Raw2Ent.dok german documentation
Raw2Ent.rexx 1.4.1 (14.07.96)
Raw2Ent.rexx.old 1.3.4 (01.11.96)
Raw2EntCheck 1.0 (12.12.96)
Raw2EntHTMLColors.iff HTML 3.2-Color-Names, -Codes and -Colors
Raw2EntLogic.asc logical-structure documentation
Raw2EntMeta.asc meta-structure documentation
Raw2EntTables.doc code-tables documentation
Raw2EntUml.r2e the Umlaut-table as a template for you
- DATA-Mode allows you to define your own convertion-table
- standard-output feature included. Now it's possible to
a) preview the output in the console
b) append the source to destination (with ">>" (see AmigaDOS))
c) dircetly print the output etc. (with ">prt:" ("))
FAST INTRODUCTION: (see below for a larger introduction)
Raw2Ent can convert
8Bit-ASCII (ISO-8859-1 [Amiga]) -> 7Bit-ASCII with Character-Entity-Codes
example: "Hallöchen" -> "Hallöchen"
7Bit-ASCII with Entity-Codes -> 8Bit-ASCII (ISO-8859-1 [Amiga])
example: Hallöchen -> Hallöchen
8Bit-ASCII (ISO-8859-1 [Amiga]) -> 7Bit-ASCII with alternative characters
example: "Hallöchen" -> "Halloechen"
example: BGCOLOR="Red" -> BGCOLOR="#FF0000"
example: BGCOLOR="#FF0000" -> BGCOLOR="Red"
Raw2Ent converts raw 8-Bit-ASCII-Text into 7-Bit-ASCII-Text with
entity-codes and reverse. The ASCII-Format is a standardized format for
information interchange, but it is only standardized seven-bit-wide, which
means that 128 codes are defined. One Byte consists of eight bits and can
represent 256 different bit combinations. Therefore the last 128 bit
combinations are defined for free use by any operation-system. The problem
is that accent-characters and other special characters are not standardized,
because they are defined in (guess where?! ;) ) the free part of ASCII by
the operation system developers.
The goal of the Wold Wide Web developers was that it could be used on every
important operation system. So it was clear that the ASCII-Based
HTML-Source-Code had to use the standardized seven-bit area of the
ASCII-Code. To represent accent-characters or other special characters in a
seven-bit-code, it was neccesary to invent something. And this was the
entity-code - a kind of escape-code. An entity-code consists of an
introducing "&" and a ";" at the end. Between these symbols is a
character-name the browser can interpret. It is a very hard and stupid work
to convert the ASCII-Text by hand. So just use Raw2Ent!
Raw2Ent produces real 7-Bit-ASCII-Code. All printable Amiga-characters in
the 8-bit-area will be converted into entity-codes, without any exception.
The use of names instead of code-numbers will make the entity-codes easier
to be read by humans. If no name was defined in the HTML 3.2 reference, the
code-number will be used.
You can use Raw2Ent also to check, wether your file contains pure seven-bit
codes or not. If not, Raw2Ent will present you the position of the
8-Bit-Characters in the text.
Raw2Ent can also handle color-codes and -names.
// \\
\X/ Amiga ForEVER \X/
Ich grüße alle verbliebenen Amiga-Benutzer!
Ich bin davon überzeugt, daß Amiga mehr und mehr an Bedeutung im
Computersektor gewinnen wird. Wir können doch nicht zulassen, daß wir als
MultiMedia-Pioniere den ewigen Nachzüglern das Feld freilassen! Der Witz
ist ja, daß viele Features des Amigas immer noch nicht von PC's erreicht
wurden. PC's konnten ja nur deshalb in den Multimedia-Bereich vordringen,
weil die DOSen mit immer mehr Power vollgestopft wurden und nicht mit
innovativen Technologien und Konzepten. Amigas sind nach wie vor die einzig
wahren Multimedia-Rechner. Und die fehlende Power wird Amiga International
hoffentlich bald beseitigen und vielleicht noch mehr innovative Konzepte
// \\
\X/ Amiga ForEVER \X/
Tamio Patrick Honma
eMail: honma@uni-duesseldorf.de
WWW: http://www-public.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de/~honma/
*>> Love all over the world! <<*
Dieses Projekt wurde von einem Studenten der Informationswissenschaft
entwickelt. Informationswissenschaft ist nicht so bekannt wie Informatik,
doch die Qualifikationen sind weitreichend und gehen weit über die
Beherrschung der Maschine hinaus. Informationswissenschaftler erhalten
Qualifikationen, die vor allem in der sich abzeichnenden
"Informationsgesellschaft" immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnen. Alle
Informationsprozeße - beispielsweise im Informationsmanagement - werden
analytisch durchleuchtet und Lösungen zu Problemen praktisch realisiert.
Dieses Post-Skriptum sollte ein wenig Licht ins Dunkel bringen, da viele mit
diesem Begriff der "Informationswissenschaft" nichts anfangen können.
Das WWW-Angebot der Informationswissenschaft der Heinrich-Heine-Universität
Düsseldorf findest Du unter:
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
11076 5593 49.5% 19-Jan-98 02:13:04 Raw2Ent
1192 637 46.5% 26-Dec-96 15:55:28 Raw2Ent.ced
24604 8813 64.1% 19-Jan-98 22:17:24 Raw2Ent.doc
26821 9786 63.5% 19-Jan-98 22:17:12 Raw2Ent.dok
1131 580 48.7% 17-Nov-96 23:07:06 Raw2Ent.rexx
5120 1482 71.0% 17-Nov-96 23:07:06 Raw2Ent.rexx.old
465 287 38.2% 12-Dec-96 13:11:32 Raw2EntCheck
14604 2587 82.2% 27-Dec-96 03:24:00 Raw2EntHTMLColors.iff
1489 335 77.5% 18-Jan-98 06:14:36 Raw2EntLogic.asc
4866 2201 54.7% 27-Dec-96 14:21:32 Raw2EntTables.doc
487 388 20.3% 18-Jan-98 06:10:22 Raw2EntUml.r2e
1227 255 79.2% 13-Dec-96 00:07:34 Raw2EntMeta.asc
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
93082 32944 64.6% 23-Jan-98 06:42:30 12 files